Our network is inspired by you!

Our Vision

RealConnectors builds and creates new ideas and connects you with the right people. The people in our network are professionalized within different segments.

In every project, we bring talented people together. This is a great way to take on new projects, manage an extensive workload, or improve your skillset by learning from others.

Teaming up and combining forces with trustworthy connections will gain you more knowledge. One of the keys to growth is knowledge sharing.

Fostering collaboration allows operations to run more efficiently, for brilliant ideas to be shared, and for productivity to increase.

Different perspectives lead to a broader insight and greater knowledge!

Together we build and create

What we do

We offer you a global network of trusted companies and entrepreneurs in various industries.

Over the years we have been building and maintaining trustworthy connections and reliable relations.

We can connect you with potential customers and business partners, and establish your concepts and projects.

About us

RealConnectors is founded by Tal Shay Frank. A creative entrepreneur who’s roots lay in the world of art and design.
Initially, he has started as a photographer in fashion, art and advertisement and worked with several international media artists.
Additionally, he created and designed a diverse range of national and international events from art projects to marketing activation programs for world-renowned brands.

Over the years, Tal has build a global network of trusted companies and entrepreneurs in various industries.
With RealConnectors, Tal makes his network, knowledge and experience available.

His network consists of valuable connections on which you can rely.

Portfolio real estate concepts

RealConnectors develops both real estate concepts and brings supply and demand together in the real estate industry.

Airport City Convention Centre: a sustainable, flexible and renewed service centre, fully facilitated for conferencing and events. This centre also offers a variety of hospitality services; restaurants, hotels and a wellness centre.

Tree House Spa Resort: a sustainable resort surrounded by nature; a unique combination of treehouses and a spa, wellness and leisure.

Innovative and Data Driven Co-working Space: a re-development of existing structures in a circular and renewable way. Residents and visitors can work, innovate and hold meetings here, as well as work out or dine together. All activities are monitored and improve the facilities.

Treehouse Living Homes: several sustainable tree houses in various wooded and green locations. In these tree houses residents and visitors can enjoy the natural environment with the options to live, meet, work and relax.

Wellness, Pre-care & Living Resort: a concept of a wellness experience and healthcare integrated in a luxurious apartment complex. Both members and residents can make use of all facilities.

Contact us

We love to inspire our clients and are looking forward to get inspired by you!
Like to know more?
Feel free to get in touch.

Prinsengracht 769
1017 JZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 20 8 11 66 22

E: office@realconnectors.com
